Thursday, July 3

"Watermelon...Not Just For Breakfast Any More!""

Tomorrow is July 4th! Hurray!! That for me means I get a three day break away from the gigantic headaches I've been dealing with in trying to manage a very complicated health care construction project. The time away from those stressful responsibilities will be most welcomed.

As many of you know (Okay...the two or three who actually ready my blog) I am a voracious reader. I consume books, magazines and news articles like some people consume popcorn, and I am always looking for off beat articles that peak my interest and perhaps make for follow up commentary. I ran across one today on the home page under the heading "Fruit Punch...Can Watermelon Trigger Same Effect As Viagra?" How could I possibly pass up that intriguing title?

It appears that scientist are taking a closer look at the natural chemicals that are found in your garden variety watermelon, and among them is a substance called citrulline. Citrulline reacts naturally with the body's enzymes to create a chemical reaction that produces arginine, which is an amino acid that has been proven to be beneficial to the heart and the circulatory and immune systems. Are you following me so far? Arginine boost the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes the blood vessels and mimics and produces the same effect as does Viagra. Got the picture now? As we have been constantly reminded and bombarded for years on television, those little blue Viagra pills have been touted as the "sliced bread" in the treatment of E.D. Let's hear it for good old Mother Nature who has had the remedy packaged all along in that favorite summer time treat!

"Not so fast," says the scientist. Although watermelon has most certainly the potential of getting a rise out male consumers of that delicious fruit, it is neither "organ specific" (I love that phrase!) nor are the effects to be expected to be a long-lasting experience, and one would have to consume about six cups of watermelon to produce enough arginine to acquire the desired end result. I don't know about you, but six cups of watermelon sounds to me like a prescription to spend a great deal of the holiday weekend traipsing back and forth from the bathroom. That's the down side. The up side, however, is that the natural ingredients found in watermelon do not produce the well documented side effects that the warning labels on Viagra caution could occur. You know the drill...if your ears start to ring, your vision get blurry, and you are unable to get behind the steering wheel of your car without a shoehorn after four hours, perhaps you should consult your doctor.

Not sure that any of this information is of any particular interest to anyone but me, but one never knows. There are some males souls who can't take Viagra because they have other medical conditions that preclude that available avenue to sexual bliss with their mates. Watermelon may be the answer. There also may also be a few females who find this information worth a try when hubbies' pilot light needs a little encouragement to reignite. "Here, my dear...have another slice of this delicious watermelon. It'll do us both good!" Oh well... I just found the article to be intriguing and perhaps worth a laugh. Whatever works, I always say.

I hope everyone has a glorious 4th and remembers to celebrate the heritage that the founders of our great nation laid on the line in order that we may live in freedom today. On Tuesday of next week I go into the hospital for what I hope and pray is merely a cursory look around my heart by my cardiologist. If he finds nothing of particular concern, I should be in and out in a day. If some repairs are needed...who knows. I'll let everyone know when the ordeal is behind me. In the mean time I have called my beautiful wife and expressed to her my sudden keen interest in consuming large quantities of watermelon over the coming holiday weekend. "Why certainly, my honey," she replied. "But what made you decide to add that item to our festive menu for this weekend?" Said I, "I was just thinking about fireworks and how watermelon just seems such a perfect compliment to that activity...don't you agree?" She did. Whoopee!!

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