Monday, July 21

And They Both Said "You Betcha!"

Judi and I had the privilege of being honored invitees this past weekend at the wedding of the son of one of our dear friends from our church. It also didn't hurt that daughter Megan was a bridesmaid in the court, being granted that honor for having introduced the bride and groom to each other a couple of years ago.

Judi and I were initially planning to be merely attendees at the ceremony in Cocoa Beach on Saturday afternoon. Apparently Megan had another idea, she having suggested to the bride and groom to be that "My Dad would just love to do the marriage blessing at the reception." That was certainly news to me, but when approached by Paul's (the groom's) Mother and Dad and formally asked if I would do so, I was honored to have the privilege. I later discovered, rather impromptu, that not only was I to supply the wedding blessing, I was also to offer the prayer at the rehearsal dinner. Hey, Judi and I got two very good meals out the deal and we had a bang up good time of not only enjoying the beach, but the opportunity of meeting new people and basking in the fellowship that always accompanies such glad events.

I can't say that my rehearsal dinner prayer was anything that would make folks write home about. When people are hungry and all but licking their forks in anticipation of digging into the meal set before them, any time taken up beseeching our Maker to take a firmer hand in world politics is decidedly ill-advised. Bless the food, tuck in the napkin, and let's get after it!

I did take some time, however, in composing the words of the marriage blessing. I have little doubt that most of the sentiment was lost on the happy couple and, most likely, the majority of the folks who had already discovered that the adult beverages were free for the asking. Still, I am a firm believer that marriage is not to be entered into lightly, that it is ordained and blessed by God, and to invoke His blessing on the union needs be approached with sincerity and reverence. I did, therefore, choose my words carefully with the intent that all who cared to listen would understand the seriousness that all marriages require that only begins to come more clearly into focus when the wedding day is later revisited with only the aid of photographic recollections. My words of blessings were as follows...

"I am a believer that man's destiny is best realized through God's prefect Will...that no person comes into the life of another person's heart without God's hand to guide and shape the encounter. And so it has been for Paul and Lauren...their separate journeys through life have come to this day and their individual paths have today been co-joined to travel the remaining road before them as one. For this we are thankful and praise God for his wisdom in making it so.

Paul and Lauren... From this day forth, may all of your hopes and dreams be renewed with each new sunrise. May your disappointments be few and your sorrows even fewer, and may each be forgotten with each sunset. May all of your future memories be as joyous as is this day's. May God lighten your hearts so that they will be forever filled with ever increasing and over flowing respect, admiration and love for each other. And may God continuously pour out His richest blessings on you both with His love and peace throughout all the days He has set aside for this very special union that pleases Him immeasurably. Therefore, go forth from this hour in God's grace and love and strive in His presence to be happy all the days of your lives together."

Being involved in a course that helps couples learn how to "be married" and as facilitators in a course for divorced individuals who failed to learn how to "be married," Judi and I realize that it takes more than just ardent and fervent prayer to keep a marriage whole. But this we know also...selflessly seeking God's guidance on a daily basis to bind two souls together stands a far better chance of succeeding than to just merely stand on the sideline and let events take their course.

God said, "What a beautiful wedding ceremony. Now invite me to the marriage." Prayerfully I hope that my few words of beseeching God's blessings on behalf of this newly wedded couple will spark a desire on their part to indeed invite Him to their marriage.

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