Wednesday, July 9

"Not What I Was Expecting..."

Look familiar? This space-aged looking contraption is the last thing I focused on yesterday before the administered anesthesia sent me into la-la land. The cauterization of my heart went well, but the results are far less than I had hoped and prayed for. Looks like I am a prime candidate for some additional surgery of the by-pass variety.

Seems there are a couple, perhaps three arteries on the left hand side of my heart that are of a much smaller size than they should much so that the insertion of a stint into each is not an electable option. My cardiologist described it as not unlike a tree branch that grows out of the main trunk. The branch that supports all the other branches further out should be of significant size to promote a steady supply of nutrients to travel to the smaller branches beyond. Apparently my main support "branches" are of the spindly variety. What to do? Replace the smaller, unhealthy branches with larger and healthier branches from another part of the tree. In my case, most likely taken from my leg. Sounds doable to me. The question yet to be answered is when?

I am scheduled to have a follow up consultation with a heart specialist next Thursday. It is at that time that I anticipate having all of my many current and nagging questions answered, the biggest one being "How soon?" Normally, I would opt for the "sooner the better," but I was told that the period of time I would need to fully recuperate is four to six weeks. That posses yet another problem. My present employer permits only two weeks per year of "off time" - for vacation and, if need be, sick leave - and I have pretty much already shot my allotment for this year. We are essentially a pretty small company with not a lot of revenue reserves. So the chances of my boss granting me four to six weeks sick leave with full pay is not very likely. Dilemma, to say the least. Too many unanswered questions and "what ifs" to consider at this time. It is best that I wait until I hear all the particulars from the heart surgeon next week to begin to formulate any type of plan. No sense in adding unnecessary concern on an already difficult situation.

I think I would be more willing to accept this unexpected news were I feeling less than in good health. When one's tooth is aching, one is very ready to undergo the rigors of seeing a dentist. When the old chompers are working just fine, one sees little need of making a visit to the dentist a priority. Overall I feel great...but now I know there is a problem lurking that cannot be long ignored. Like the character Roseanna-dana-dana of Saturday Night Live was fond of saying, "Well if it ain't one thing, it's something else." I can relate...

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