Sunday, October 28


When it comes to knowing my way around a computer, I'm a Pulitzer Prize winning author. "Finallly!!" I figured out how to scan, download (or upload...whatever) the photograph of yours truly and my bride Judi to perch atop my profile. Ask me how I did it, I couldn't tell you. I just tinkered until...presto, magico...there it was. I'm so proud of me!

Some folks have advised me that I shouldn't publish a photograph of myself or members of my family. I suppose it has something to do with protecting our privacy. One can never tell when a ne'er-do-well will download (I wish them luck) a copy of the photograph, climb through our bedroom window in the middle of the night, flash a bright light in our eyes and declare, "Yea, it's them! Pay Up! Your water bill is overdue!!" I'll take my chances.

Suffice it to say that I'm pleased to show off my beautiful bride of going on 25 years. That's the good part. The down side is that I'm also in the photograph...prostrate at her feet (so to speak), where I've gladly regaled myself in homage to her constant faith in and love for me. She's a great lady and I'm pleased to share her with my readers. Now if you'll pardon me, I'll head back to the main page and sit in gloating amazement at my computing prowess.

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