Wednesday, August 26

"Heading In The Wrong Direction..."

I am a political news junkie and I take my politics very seriously. However, nothing would suit me more than to revert back to simpler times when our nation's only pressing concern was whether or not an increase in the minimum wage from a $1.25 to an outlandish $1.50 would ruin the national economy. Those were the days when our country actually had a thriving national economy. Flash forward to 2009 and and we find ourselves in the midst of a recession unlike anything comparable in history, with a deficit of financial resources being measured in the incomprehensible trillions of dollars. Yet the current administration shrouds itself in a complete abdication of having any responsibility for this cancer on productivity other than to say with a straight face that it was not of their making. "We inherited it," is their banner cry. That's the kind of leadership we elected; a crew of fools steering our ship of state onto the rocks while casting a wary eye rearward to the horizon of no return.

Yes, I'd like to revert back to populating this blog with entries of no major import. But my addiction, if you will, to news talk radio shows and political web sites drags me relentlessly back into the throws of warring political ideologies of which I cannot dismiss as irrelevant to my life or to what I perceive as a sea change in the direction that our country is traveling at tsunami speed. Wish, do I, that I could without reservation adopt the newly determined direction of my dear North Carolina childhood friend who no longer listens to the likes of Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity, believing that the die has been cast for America to dissolve into dictatorial anarchy. I am not ready in exasperation to throw the towel in yet, but I can certainly understand and empathize with his justifiable pessimism. To deny the plausibility of that potential outcome is to purposefully insert one's head into the sand and pretend that we are not as a country in whole on the road to pending perdition.

I, however, cling to the unwavering belief that there remains a growing multitude of my fellow citizens who possess a profound sense of self-determination to reclaim the heritage of personal freedoms bestowed by our country's founders, who are standing up in town hall meetings all across American to proclaim that the 545 elected and appointed Federal government officials do not constitute an elitist ruling class who, with purposeful disregard for their constituents, rubber stamp personal agendas for their own aggrandizement and for the benefit of their special interest minions. The tide is turning. The sleeping giant that is the American sense of fairness...of right and rousing. The arrogance of power that permeates the Halls of Congress and confabs in the thrones of power within the West Wing, conspiring to thwart the will of the people, shall no longer be tolerated. The change that we all can truly believe in comes not from within the beltway of Washington, D.C., but from the hearts of the American people who have made this country for generations the shinning light of personal liberty set resolutely upon the hill of inalienable, God ordained freedom.

For far too long the American people have allowed the insatiable appetite of our unbridled Federal government to consume more and more of our livelihoods in the form of ever increasing intrusive and stifling taxes to fund ill-conceived programs that cost more to administer than benefits derived. We have apathetically abdicated our rightful role as masters of our elected servants and have become slaves to their arrogant whims of elitism. It's time to throw off the shackles of government dependence, to reject the failed notion that government is the panacea of our country's social challenges, and remembering it is they whom we elect who work for us and not the other way around. Be, therefore, part of the solution. Take back with patriotic vigor your right to speak your mind, to disagree with the elitist and to say "No! We have had enough! This is our country and we will tell you what is best to preserve and defend this republic!"

The destiny of our nation, as envisioned by our country's forefathers, lies with "we the people." A new direction is at hand, formulated from the bottom up, not from the top down. To be convinced otherwise is to surrender like lemmings to the status quo. I refuse to surrender.

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