I greatly admire a person who recognizes that they have made a gigantic lapse in judgement and undertake the necessary steps to make amends, don't you?
Unless you spent the better part of last week cowering under your bed, you probably got wind of the news that the last member of the Kennedy monarchy assumed room temperature. Ted Kennedy, the alleged "Lion of the Senate," shall roar no more with his boorish proclamations of self-righteous elitism. I am sure he will be sorely missed by his fellow liberal legislators, but I have no doubt that they will find a way to suffer along without him. They might even find a way to immortalize him by attaching his name to that wonderful national health care bill. Now wouldn't that be hunkey-dory? I think it was my grandmother on my mother's side who first said to me, "If you can't say anything good about the dead, then you ought not say anything at all." Sage advice. "He's dead. Good!"
"He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that does not reason is a slave." -- William Drummond "ET VERTAS LIBERABIT VOS"
Monday, August 31
Taking Care Of Business..."
Friday, August 28
Remember The Little Girl From Poltergeist?
Thursday, August 27
"Reading Between The Lines..."
Wednesday, August 26
"Heading In The Wrong Direction..."
Wednesday, August 12
"Plenty Of Heat & Light..."
The old adage, "Do as I say, not as I do" apparently holds no perceptible credence with the miscreants on the democratic left, as may be evidenced by a now conveniently ignored excerpt from a 2003 stump speech given by the then presidential candidate Hillary Rodam Clinton, who vehemently decried the accusation that any American who would dare criticize the Republican administration in office were "unpatriotic." And I quote... "I am sick and tired of people who say if you debate and disagree with this administration, some how you're not patriotic, and we should stand up and say we are Americans, that we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration..." Well, old gal, you got it right then...but why doesn't this same admonishment carry as much equal weight today?
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi apparently is of the contrary belief that such a right of free speech is to be granted only to those ideological faithful who march in lockstep with the current Democrat party's agenda. From Nancy's August 10th Washington news conference, I provide the following quote... "These disruptions" (emanating from the more vocal participants in the Town Hall meetings, voicing opposition to Obama's health care plan) "are occurring because opponents are afraid of not just differing opinions - but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American." Excuse me, Ms. Pelosi, but here is a widely help observation that you can sink your partisan teeth into; whenever you open your mouth we rabble of un-patriotic dissidents automatically assume that you are lying through your capped teeth!
So vociferous have the opponents of the health care reform debate become that the White House has established a "war room" to advise Democrat congress members on how to combat dissension among their district constituents, and has also instituted a special email address ( Flag@whitehouse.gov. ) in order that citizens may report fellow citizens who speak out against the plan. If that doesn't speak of a Soviet Union KBG style tactic of opposition suppression, I don't know what does.
Press Secretary Robert Gibbs opined in sum that the uproar by a minority of dissidents represents "more heat than light." Apparently Mr. Gates has had few occasions to spend any time in the proverbial kitchen. He, along with his boss and the ideologues on The Hill, should come to grips with the realization that the ever increasing heat being generated by thousands upon thousands of grass-roots Americans, who believe their government is out of touch and out of control, is simmering into a bonfire that shall be fully ignited come the mid-term elections of 2010. Those who would choose to continue to label ordinary, hardworking Americans as un-patriotic for exercising their free speech right to voice disagreement with this administration had best start consulting the want ads in their local newspapers. They'll find that they are out of a job come next November.
I would suggest that they also save a spot for Mr. Obama in the unemployment line. He'll be joining you a couple of years there after.