Monday, April 13

"Bend Over Children...It's That Time Of The Year Again..."

Oh Happy Day!! Oh Happy Day!! It's Tax Day Once Again!!

Unless I drop dead between now and tomorrow, the only other certain thing in my life that I can unfortunately count on with certainty is... You got it. Taxes. Yes, it is time once again to ascertain how much income we managed to scrape together last year and dutifully write a check to the Internal Revenue Service for that same full amount. That Saturday Night Live caricature we euphemistically call our Vice President, Joe Biden, said, without a hint of sarcasm, that it is "unpatriotic not to pay taxes." He went on to pontificate that he had spoken to a group of millionaires and allegedly explained in great detail why it is a good thing if the Federal government took away their tax breaks, where upon he received a standing ovation. Give me a break, Joe. These so called millionaires didn't make all of that money by being stupid, and, therefore, I find it inconceivable that they stood for anything other than to perhaps help themselves to another dose of cool aid that the V.P. was serving.

Want a few more nuggets of self-serving wisdom from old Joe? Try this on for illogical size... "We are giving tax breaks to people who don't need it. The top 1% got a $85 billion a year tax break. It is not needed. My dad used to have an expression - don't tell me what you value, show me what you budget. We need more revenue to be able to pay for things the governor and everybody else talks about. And there's only one way to do it. You either raise taxes or take tax cuts away from people who don't need them. I'd take them away from people who don't need them." Dear God in Heaven...who died and left this arrogant, egotistical jackass in charge?

A person doesn't have to be a bastion of economic savvy to comprehend that Joe, his Boss-In-Command, and the ilk of the likes of Pelosi and Reid unblinkingly believe in the deepest recesses of their socialistic hearts that income honestly earned by any segment of our nation's population affords these carpetbaggers unfettered licence to seize and spend as they damn well please. "Government" abides only by the dictate that the panacea for establishing and maintaining the well-being of all social enterprise is "more government." That is why loose cannon Joe unabashedly cries for "more revenue" so that the government can continue to expand and become even more intrusive in and controlling of every aspect of our day-to-day life. It is government that knows best. Our sole job is to meekly acquiesce, turn a blind eye to their thievery, and be thankful that "Big Brother" is looking after our every care. Death and taxes. If we the people continue along this unchallenged path, taxes will indeed be the economic death of us.

Let me suggest two places where we each of us can begin to make a stand. The first is to organize or to be a vocal participant in a local Tea Party that are scheduled for tomorrow in over 1,900 cities and towns across our nation. To find a Tea Party that is scheduled for your community, go to the following link: The second avenue for voiced protest is to visit and sign the on-line petition that calls for the total abandonment of the existing tax codes and in its place establish a more simpler, open and honest, and fairer tax structure. The present IRS tax code, with all of it's appendages regulations, contains 9,097,000 words! The Bible, in comparison, has 774,776 words. Between 1995 and 2005 the code has expanded additionally by almost 19%. The directions for filing a typical 1040 form is 161 pages. Want to utilize the "EZ" version? The IRS provides you with 41 pages of easy to follow instructions.

Do you still believe that our government officials have any thing more in their collective sights than the continued propagation of their own ever expanding existence? If your apathetic answer is in the affirmative, then by all means you enjoy sending more of your hard-earned money to them tomorrow. I'd say that they shall truly appreciate it. But in fact and in truth, they really think you're too stupid and lazy to do otherwise.

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