Friday, November 19

" A Completely Unscientific Survey..."

Are Conservative Women More Physically Attractive Than Liberal Women?

It is the question that begs an answer, which members of the fairer sex are more physically attractive in the eyes of the beholder: conservation womenfolk of liberal womenfolk? Take a moment to review examples of both ideological persuasions and judge for yourself...

First, the liberal side of the aisle...

Senator Harry Reid

(Harry asked to be included in the survey just to assure all point of view would be fairly represented.)

Democratic Minority Leader of the House of Representative, Nancy Pelosi

Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano

Secretary of State, Hillary Rodam Clinton

Fox Television News Anchor, Megyn Kelly

The originators of this non-scientific survey realize that making such a determination is a daunting task at best, as no doubt each representative must certainly send a tingle up your leg, but give it your best shot.

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