Tuesday, September 1

Finally...An Employment Opportunity..."

For months I've been searching for just the right type of employment opportunity and finally I've hit upon it: photography. Not just any kind of photography, but the kind like those really creative and talented photo-journalist from National Geographic. They get to travel to some of the most exotic and glamorous locations all around the world. That's for me.

So, I signed up to become a photographer for a company called Up Close And Personal Photography. My eventual assignment will be to travel to the the wilds of Afghanistan. But first I must endure a six month tour of duty in Iraqi, where I will be photographing those still pesky insurgents who still seem hellbent on raising cane in that god-forsaken country. Below is the special tripod I purchased in order to assure that my photos come out dead-on crystal clear. What do you think?

Unfortunately I ran out of space on my self-lettered means to advertise my services, otherwise I would have added a line that read, "And kiss your scrawny, flea-ridden butt goodbye!!"

P.S. I heard an inner-company rumor that a franchise may be opening up really soon in Washington, D.C. Sounds plausible... You know how those bleeding heart liberals just love having their photographs taken at a drop of a hat.

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