"He that will not reason is a bigot; he that cannot reason is a fool; he that does not reason is a slave." -- William Drummond "ET VERTAS LIBERABIT VOS"
Monday, May 25
Monday, May 18
"Who's In Charge Here?"
First to be dissected is Mr. Biden, who continues to display a propensity to speak utterances of profound insensibility that emanate from somewhere deep in the vacuum he euphemistically calls a brain. Joseph's latest verbal gaffe came at the recent gathering of the Gridiron Club, an annual meeting attended by media representatives and power-brokering politicians, wherein during the course of the meal Vice President Biden revealed to those seated at his table the "highly classified" location of the ultra secure bunker designed to protect a sitting Vice President in the event of a cataclysmic national emergency. This same bunker, located deep in the ground beneath the Vice President's U.S. Naval Observatory residence, was speculated to be utilized by former Vice President, Dick Cheney, during the duration of the chaotic aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist's attacks. Apparently not content in merely revealing that highly sensitive tidbit of classified information, Biden went on to muse further his ill-advised opinion that while Cheney was sequestered in the bunker subsequent policies formulated "were off the wall." Years may transpire before a historical accounting will be forthcoming to reveal what actions and decisions were initiated behind the steel doors of that bunker, but I dare say "off the wall" will not be the phraseology utilized to describe that which did occur. However, the phrase "a chicken running around with its head cut off" is still up for grabs to describe loose cannon Biden.
This most recent foray into imprudent statements offered for mass consumption follows on the heels of the Vice President's free-flowing and unchecked opinion that was uttered at the height of the Swine Flu false alarm, in which he offered advice to his immediate family to abstain from placing themselves in confined public spaces, such as found in modes of transport provided by commercial aircraft or subways. This "foot-in-mouth" comment resulted in an immediate clarification form the White House in a comedic attempt to diffuse the V.P.'s prior feckless statement. For Biden, the egg continues to be clearly visible on his face and his foot remains firmly lodged in his esophagus.
Not to be outdone in the realm of venturing forth into the arena of chocking on one's words, Speaker of the House, Nancy Peolsis, has managed to paint herself into a corner of controversy by declaring that our nation's most preeminent intelligence gathering agency, the CIA, deliberately and intentionally failed to inform her specifically as to what types of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs) were being employed against the incarcerated 9/11 terrorist, which included the highly politically charged practice of waterboarding. Said Pelosi in a nationally televised press conference, "We were not - I repeat - were not told that waterboarding or any of these other enhance interrogation methods were used." Nice try Nancy, but the verifiable timeline presented by the Director of National Intelligence clearly indicates that you and the then Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Porter Goss, were thoroughly briefed on September 4, 2002 as to the specific forms of EITs that were being employed to extract critical information from the perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks. To pointedly accuse the CIA of "lying" illustrates a woeful lack of intelligence on Pelosi's part and further suggests that she seriously entertains the notion that whatever pours forth out of her mouth is automatically enveloped in a Teflon veneer. So enamored is she with her own inflated sense of importance and political clout that she wouldn't recognize a truth placed in fact if it kissed her on her bloated Botox cheek.
If it doesn't give the average citizen of this country reflective pause by coming to the realization that these two egomaniacal miscreants of the public good are but a mere few heart beats away from occupying the ultimate leadership office of the most powerful nation in the world, then we as a self-governing people have no sense of propriety when it comes to expecting and demanding that honesty and integrity must be the characteristic hallmarks of our elected leaders. One can only hope, if not pray, that these two reprobates perform no further ill-conceived acts of self-aggrandizement that would seriously jeopardize the tranquility and security of this nation. I am, however, not holding my breath. Perhaps the confined space of the V.P's security bunker could be put to a more immediatly beneficial utilization and, by a public vote, sequester these two poor excuses for public servants out of sight and out of mind until such time as their next scheduled elections fall due. Indeed, one cannot fix stupid, but one can sure liberally apply duct tape where it will do the most good.