Tuesday, March 10

"Is It Nap Time Yet?

Usually I have the date marked in RED when Daylight Savings Time is scheduled to begin. It's arrival caught me off guard this year. I forgot that the duration of DST has been expanded and it's date of commencement was again to be in early March rather than April. Suits me. The time switch is the most positive reinforcement that my long awaited advent of spring has finally arrived. However, having that extra hour of daylight in the evening plays havoc on my body clock for about two weeks before it finally adjusts to when it decides to finally call it a day and I can fall asleep on a consistent basis.

I still haven't quite got the knack of how to set the clocks in our home, of which there are many, ahead one hour. It is best to adjust the time pieces when one is fully in charge one's total mental faculties, which for me is a monumental task even under the best of circumstances. Saturday night I began to reset the clocks in the kitchen and in our bedroom only to have Judi come behind me and announce that I moved them back an hour rather than forward. That error would have made us embarrassingly late for church Sunday morning had she not noted my mistake. I am even more convinced that there are three types of people in the world: those who can do math and those who can't!

Sunday night wasn't a problem for us to fall asleep, albeit an hour earlier according to our body clocks. We had spent that afternoon enjoying the last day of the Strawberry Festival in Plant City, traipsing the two hundred mile long midway several times and sampling the countless offerings of food concoctions that may only be found at a county fair. Did you know that you can actually pay good money to consume deep fried deliquesces such as pickles, Coca-cola, candy bars, Oreo cookies or the newest fast track avenue to cardiac arrest, chocolate covered bacon? You can...I wouldn't dare! We did enjoy an ample serving of cinnamon covered funnel cake and the festival's renowned center piece of "must have" comfort food, a heaping bowl of strawberry shortcake smothered in a mountain of whipped cream. Arriving home that evening we had no difficulty in calling it a day, and just as soon as the antacid medication took affect, we fell fast asleep.

But last night was an altogether different proposition. I couldn't fall asleep on a bet. The clock said two-thirty a.m., but my body said "What are you doing in bed? The night is still young!" Some time around four this morning I finally drifted off, only to awaken a couple of hours later to a new day. Knowing my history at this time of the year, this pattern will repeat itself for another week to 10 days before I finally adjust to turning in an hour earlier than usual. I thoroughly enjoy the benefits of longer spring and summer days, but I do wish that when everyone else "springs forward" that I could get my body clock to come along for the ride.

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